Snail Food

Snails absolutely love fresh fruit and vegetables.  It is very important though that they have FRESH fruit and vegetables every day - the main things I feed mine are Lettuce, Cucumber, Mushroom, Tomato, Cabbage, Apple and Grapes.  These are foods that have quite a lot of moisture in them.  When the snails are comfortable it is even possible to hold the snails carefully and they will eat while in your hand - this is so cool because you can hear them 'rasping' across the food.

All food that is added to a snail tank should be very carefully washed.  Much of our food may have come from an area where pesticides or other chemicals could have been used to keep control of wild pests (including snails) and so could be harmful to them.  Washing well makes sure this will not harm your pet. 



It is quite funny having a look at their food in the morning because you can see the bits of food they like the best like cucumber - they will eat all the soft inside but leave the rind so you are left with a green ring in the morning! 

Lettuce leaf for Legs and Arms at night
The same lettuce leaf the following morning
 It is quite scary how much of a lettuce leaf or apple slice will be gone in quite a short period of time!


Brian drinking beer while Tim sleeps.
Every once in a while, it is possible to give the snails some beer (well get my Dad to give the snails some beer anyway!)  this should be just about a tablespoon or so every fortnight at most.  I found that my adult snails - I do not want the young ones to get drunk ;-)   - really like this treat and it is supposed to really help them grow.