
The snails are very easy to handle and can be done so safely with just a couple of rules that we stick to.

First is that it is very important to wash your hands both BEFORE and AFTER handling the snails.  Snails do not like salt, it sort of burns them, and we people sweat salt, so it is important we get rid of our salty hands before we pick them up.

It feels really funny the first time you hold a snail, the want to explore your hands and you will feel their foot moving.  Their feelers will come out and 'look' around which looks very sweet!  You will feel their slimyness (which is why you wash hands after handling the snail) across your skin which feels very different.


It is important that you sit carefully with your snail and not walk about with them.  Remember their shell is very brittle and if broken could kill the snail. Make sure you sit carefully and if the snails are dropped off your hands they will not fall far and onto your soft lap where damage will hopefully not happen.

Sometimes the snails are happy in their tank and when you try and pick them up they feel like they are stuck.  It is important not to pull too hard on the snail as you could hurt it.  It would be better in this case to wait a while to see if the snail moves to a better position where it could be picked up easier.

Legs and Brian - there is only 1 year age difference between these 2!